Fire watch services are essential for smooth operations at a job site, commercial or industrial facility. Despite the increased demand for fire watch guards across North America, many are still unaware of the critical role fire watch plays in safeguarding key assets.

Federal, state, and municipal authorities are unanimous when it comes to fire prevention – any facility that is occupied and conducting business must have fire safety systems in place. Facility operators bear the responsibility for installing and maintaining those systems. Depending on the square footage and usage of a given facility, requirements could include sprinklers and fire extinguishers in addition to regular inspections and maintenance. Most importantly, fire detectors are expected inside any building.

What happens when a fire safety system becomes obsolete or suffers damage? If a fire breaks out, there’d be little to stop it from spreading. Lives, assets, and productivity are all jeopardized by an inoperative fire safety system, and repairs may take weeks depending on the context.

Fire Codes Demand Fire Watch Guards  

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) is the US-based non-profit organization that has shaped fire prevention standards for over a century. Most local fire authorities adopt policies and codes developed by the Association.

The NFPA defines fire watch as “trained personnel who continuously patrol the affected area. Ready access to fire extinguishers and the ability to promptly notify the fire department are important items to consider…making sure that the other fire protection features of the building such as egress routes and alarm systems are functioning properly.” 

If a required fire alarm system or sprinkler is out of service for more than 4 hours in a 24-hour period, fire marshals have the authority to order an evacuation of the premises until the problem is resolved, or until fire watch is deployed. The NFPA further specifies that fire watch cannot be performed by existing staff alongside their normal duties – a dedicated guard, trained in proper fire response needs to be on site to keep operations running.

Fire Watch Guards to the Rescue

In short, fire watch covers any service gaps that emerge when a facility’s fire detection or suppression systems are inoperative. In the absence of trained fire watch guards, an organization may be ordered to cease operations and evacuate the building. Operators face complex liability issues the moment existing fire safety systems fail, and fire watch is the default solution required in the NFSA’s guidelines.

High fire risk activities – known as “hot work” – also demand fire watch. This type of work includes welding, cutting, torching or other applications of heat. Construction, or a jobsite that is within a high-risk area, may require fire watch guards as well. Most often “hot work” is conducted with fire safety systems in place. If those systems are inoperative, or if the work is being done at a location that lacks them, trained fire watch professionals are the best remedy.

In a practical sense, fire watch guards act as a trained set of eyes: noticing any potential risks and reporting everything to the relevant authorities. Beyond their immediate tasks, fire watch guards are an essential part of a comprehensive risk management strategy – ensuring that personnel, property, and productivity are not jeopardized by a hiccup in an existing fire safety system.

Contact National Firewatch

National Firewatch has been providing fire watch guard services to hundreds of communities across the United States for over a decade. We field some of the best-trained and experienced guards in the industry, and can deploy to most major cities within hours.

We encourage our clients to take proactive measures to ensure the safety of their critical assets. If you do not yet have a trusted fire watch partner in your region, contact us to review your options. When an outage happens, you’ll need fire watch guards quickly – save yourself the hassle of a shutdown or evacuation, and partner with National Firewatch today!

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